We investigate an explicit approach to cloth modeling. Its principal peculiarity is an accurate model representation at the level of micro-element.

A micro-element representation consists of fibers approximated by the sets of primitives of the same type: infinite cylinder bounded by two planes. The primitives represent a fiber are placed along a curve line which is a fiber axis that in turn is a winding curve around the yarn axis.

We assume that a yarn axis (say a warp one) consists of several pieces which are segments of either circle or line. All circles have centers that coincide with the centers of weft yarn cut. Radius of every circle is radius of warp yarn plus radius of weft yarn.

The composition of fibers inside of the yarn is specified in the initial yarn cross-section. An arbitrary yarn cross-section is calculated by a rotation of the initial one. We provide two kinds of cross-sections of yarns: circular in case of twisted fibers and elliptic otherwise, i.e. when all fibers are parallel to the yarn axis. The pictures below show circular (Fig. 3a) and elliptic (Fig. 3b) cross-sections of several yarns.

 Fig. 3(a),(b). The cross-sections for the explicit cloth model.

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