Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 


 On a National Scientific Monitoring System

G. G. Malinetskii, A. V. Podlazov, and I. V. Kuznetsov*
In 2002. the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics and ten other institutes of the Russian Academy of Sci­ences initiated a national system for monitoring and forecasting dangerous and crisis processes in the natural, technological, and social spheres. The organizational and scientific foundations of this system are discussed.

For almost a decade, the interaction between researchers who forecast, analyze, and evaluate the consequences of emergencies, disasters, and catastro­phes and those who should, in fact, prevent and parry them has been developing according to the same sce­nario. First, scientists bring forward what is, in their opinion, a reasonable idea, discuss it at conferences, write papers, and, finally, convince the corresponding ministries that the idea is really worth studying. The words of scientists are then repeated many times over, and the corresponding topic is placed at the command of industrial science or is included into an academic program. Research into the topic is not properly coor­dinated, and in the general case, it never reaches the point of generating serious forecasts, the organization of monitoring, or the establishment of a center in which experts would assume responsibility for the problem in case of a crisis. Industrial institutes report the fulfill­ment of all their plans, but the idea is discredited and ends up in a deadlock. One of the main reasons for this state of affairs is the absence of judgment criteria as to whether the work has been finished or not and the pecu­liar "dropout" of the gleaned results from the feedback circuit, which should have provided for the coordina­tion of research.

The idea of controlling the risk of natural and tech­nological disasters has, unfortunately, followed this path [I]. The concept of monitoring and forecasting social instabilities seems to be headed in the same direction [2]. The implementation of a program for the evaluation of Russia's strategic risks—threats that the country is now facing or will be facing in the near future and that may change its historical path [3]—continues to face serious challenges. The purpose of the notes that follow is to call attention to the extreme topical­ity of a scientific program that forecasts disasters and calamities, as well as crisis phenomena in modem Rus-

' Georgii Gennadievich Malinetskii. Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), is a deputy director of the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics. RAS. Andrei Viktorovich Podlazov. Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), is a senior researcher at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathemat­ics. RAS. Igor' Vasil'evich Kuznetsov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), is a deputy director of the RAS International Institute of the Theory of Earthquake Forecasts and Mathematical Geophysics.

sia, and a project of the national scientific monitoring system [4].


At a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences on December 3, 2001, the Rus­sian president pinpointed problems associated with the independent examination of government decisions and forecasting and the prevention of calamities and disas­ters in the natural and technological spheres, as well as of social instabilities, as priorities that are presently fac­ing Russia's scientific community. That is, political decisions were adopted that are necessary in order to establish a national system of forecasting and prevent­ing dangerous phenomena and processes.

At the same time, several research institutes are ready to cooperatively engage the potential solutions of this problem. The concepts of strategic risks and crisis analysis have been elaborated, and it has been agreed that it is necessary to establish a national scientific monitoring system, which would bring together the necessary informational flows and researchers, describe dangerous phenomena and processes [4], and generate databases, models, and algorithms, as well as coordinate the efforts of bodies that have the authority and resources to prevent calamities and disasters. This area of research has received backing from the RAS Presidium [5].

Despite the fact that several years have elapsed since the political decision, its serious implementation has not yet begun. On November 13, 2003, the Russian Security Council and the Presidium of the State Coun­cil of the Russian Federation discussed the issue "On Measures Protecting Critically Important Security Infrastructure Facilities and the Country's Population from Natural and Anthropogenic Threats and Terrorist Manifestations." The responsibility for the scientific support of these tasks rests with the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, who are to draw up a state interdepartmental

complex program and start research. Yes neither the Academy nor the government has established a proce­dure for examining and adopting state interdepartmen­tal programs. This means that the procedure should be adopted first. The attempts that have been undertaken have yielded no results. An important political decision has not found its practical implementation.

Meanwhile, forest fires in Siberia, peat fires that caused smog over Moscow, the flood in Krasnodar krai, mudflows near Novorossiisk, the catastrophic ava­lanche in the Karmadon Canyon, and terrorism in Rus­sia. which has taken on new proportions (the Nord-Ost, the explosion in the Moscow metro, Beslan), show that the presidential decision is still topical. In our opinion, the following circumstances hinder its practical imple­mentation:

Departmentalism and the absence of the organiza­tional institutions necessary' to solve complex prob­lems. The task posed by the Russian president requires the coordination of efforts of several departments, which is, according to current legislation, the preroga­tive of the premier or vice premier. The leaders at this level are not engaged in the solution of the problem posed.

The inadequacy of the management structure to the problems of organizing the forecasting and prevent­ing system. The necessity of attracting political leaders for the solution of specific organizational, technical, and scientific problems means that there is no corre­sponding managerial structure in the country. Assis­tance, support, and funding must constantly be requested from official channels that are, generally speaking, unable to deal with the current problems— and that, moreover, should not be dealing with them.

Underestimation of resources necessary to solve problems. At a conference in Yokohama in 1994, the scientific community that addresses the analysis of cri­sis events called for a transition from the stage of the mere mitigation and liquidation of the consequences of calamities and disasters to that of their forecasting and prevention. At the national level, developed countries have driven this initiative home to the state machinery and risk managers. In particular, after US President B. Clinton had defined as one of the major problems that of forecasting, preventing, and controlling instabil­ity in the natural, social, and anthropogenic spheres in the United States and elsewhere, the Russian Ministry for Emergencies some time later announced the same course. In 1997, the Federal Target Program "Reducing the Risks and Mitigating the Consequences of Natural and Anthropogenic Emergencies in the Russian Feder­ation until 2005" was formed, which remains active today. Unfortunately, the program is not very efficient, a situation that is due primarily to the shortage of allo­cated funds.

For example, the 2000 state budget allocated nearly 47 million rubles to research in the Russian Ministry of Emergencies, but in reality only slightly more than

16 million were paid out. The results of the research conducted and the efficiency of their implementation did not, in fact, become the common property of the scientific community that deals with risk problems, to say nothing of administrators and persons who shape government strategy. In later years, the situation remained the same. Funding, even when it is spent on forecast and prevention research, is very limited. Ade­quate target programs at the Russian Academy of Sci­ences are also absent. In the present conditions of sys­temic crisis, when it is often impossible to divide fac­tors into natural, anthropogenic, and social, and many calamities and crises must be considered in their total­ity, such a state of affairs is unacceptable.

The absence of an organizational design of the problem and the role of scientific monitoring, if it is established, in the country's administrative system. Assume that the necessary research has been conducted and the monitoring system has been developed and deployed. Will it ensure that people live safer lives and that the economy develops with more stability in rela­tion to natural and anthropogenic disasters? Clearly, it will not.

It is also necessary to define who it is that will use the results of forecasts and risk assessments in public administration, in addition to how the monitoring sys­tem and experts involved in it will communicate with decision makers. Naturally, the system of scientific monitoring should directly relate to either the Security Council of the Russian Federation or the president's administration, or else it should represent an indepen­dent body under the president. The latter is fundamen­tally important, because, if the system's work is suc­cessful, the main result will be the analysis of strategic risks, threats, and dangers that arise as a consequence of inadequate decision making or of failures that occur in their implementation, as well as the definition of the country's corridor of opportunities. There is also another approach, which the United States adopted after the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001—the inte­gration of various monitoring systems and analytical structures in order to coordinate security efforts.

"Information privatization " problem unsolved. At present, the corpus of information necessary for fore­casting and preventing calamities and disasters is dis­persed among many organizations that belong to differ­ent departments. The majority of them prefer to sell information in a situation when the administrative levers of influence have been forfeited in this sphere. Naturally, this situation would damage the potential of monitoring, forecasting, and preventing systems that are based on the complex analysis of all available infor­mation. It would be logical to change the statement of the problem itself. Information owners should be liable for the absence of efficient forecasts in their own sphere of competence. Until they are really interested in the creation of a forecasting system, no amount of effort on the behalf of researchers will be able to build such a system.

The absence of an adequate legal basis for predic­tion and prevention. A wide range of problems in con­nection with forecast development, monitoring organi­zation, computer modeling, and systems analysis of dangerous phenomena and processes has been left out­side the reach of the law. In particular, the procedure for the use of predicted results remains practically unregu­lated. The calamities of recent years have helped to identify many gaps in current Russian legislation, as well as derelictions in its execution.

Thus, there are many necessary conditions for the construction of a system of scientific monitoring and structures that provide strategic risk analysis that have not been fulfilled. There are two ways out of this situa­tion. The first is to press for the fulfillment of these con­ditions and only then commence with serious scientific research, the development of hardware and software complexes, and the organization of information flows. The second way is to deal simultaneously with both the implementation of an extremely important project for the country and the adaptation of the system environ­ment for it. The acuteness of the problems facing the country, the existing potential and cooperation of researchers, and the domestic experience of implement­ing such large projects make the second approach pref­erable.


Let us pose the main question concerning forecast­ing and monitoring organization: Who really needs it? Which agent is interested in ensuring that dangerous processes and crises in modem Russia will be observed, and is there one at all?

An agent exists so long as it has clear-cut goals. It has been observed that at one time the firefighters of New York City were paid according to the number of extinguished fires—and the city was constantly bum-ing. Then they were paid to maintain peace and quiet, and the number of fires dropped significantly. As soon as the city and not fire security per se became the focus, the efficiency of fire security increased noticeably. In other words, the fact that those who are responsible for parrying dangers desire to be in demand—to be both­ered, that is—as little as possible is of fundamental importance. The monitoring system would inevitably be a slave to the aspirations of these individuals. It would either provide information about how to avert dangers or else report on the successes of liquidating the consequences of emergencies. In the latter case, sci­entific developments are completely unnecessary. Along with the definition of objectives, the agent of management should obtain solutions to the problems posed.

Unfortunately, there are problems with both hypostases of power in Russia. Neither a national strat­

egy nor strategies in individual fields of activity have been formulated. We should admit that an agent inter­ested in monitoring crisis phenomena and processes in the country is also absent.

At present, a small portion of the decisions adopted by administrative bodies is being carried out. Under such conditions, it becomes difficult to speak of con­trollability, political will, or the very possibility of fore­seeing and preventing calamities and disasters. The same situation repeats itself at other hierarchical levels. In particular, the Russian Academy of Sciences is nei­ther the agent that organizes research into the topics under consideration nor the executor of forecasts and recommendations. Today, the Academy is not able to organize work as a single institution or to produce an expert statement on any project or forecast of the devel­opment of processes. It is not part of the government machinery either.

Strategy building requires a certain organization of society, as well as opportunities for self-organization based on the awareness of its interests and readiness to protect them. According to the data of sociological research, such processes occur very slowly in modern Russia. The majority of citizens do not trust the existing social institutions, the Russian president alone having become an exception to this rule in recent years. An analog strategy could very likely play an organizing role during the transitional period. Obviously, this should be organized so that, by the time society is ready to formulate and adopt a national strategy, it will have the necessary instruments to solve key problems. One of these instruments is a national forecasting and mon­itoring system.

However, the situation today is undergoing funda­mental changes. On the one hand, the centralization of state power has sharply increased. The majority of power resources are now in the hands of the president, and decision making and implementation is his respon­sibility. On the other hand, the indicative disasters of the past years, the inevitability of which was predicted by scientists, as well as the wave of terrorist acts and the infrastructure crisis, have led to the awareness of national interests in the sphere of risks, calamities, and disasters [1, 4]. We should not exclude the possibility that an agent will appear in the nearest future that is aware of the necessity for a serious scientific approach to forecasting calamities and disasters and that has enough power and resources to prevent and liquidate them.

Naturally, the place of this agent in the power struc­ture should have clear-cut boundaries. In essence, we are talking about an institution that is in many respects functionally similar to the general staff in the military command system. First, such a structure, in the ideal case, does not seek its own interests but supports the government machinery at higher levels. Second, we are referring to the availability of large, authentic, and con­tinuously retrieved and updated information flows and their generalization and interpretation. Third, we ascribe fundamental importance not to the forecast itself, but to the recommendations and specific action plans based on it. which are to be perfected long before emergencies occur. Fourth and finally, the destruction wrought on the modem world by natural and anthropo-genic disasters and social instabilities is already com­parable with that arising from combat actions.


Assume that the organizational, financial, and other problems related to an interdepartmental program, which has been proposed by the president, have been solved. Let us discuss what this program should resem­ble.

Its main goal is to provide for the "observability" of a number of dangerous phenomena and processes, as well as of crises, in modem Russia. The monitoring, forecasting, and decision-support systems will make it possible to prevent and efficiently parry a wide range of dangers and threats, which will improve the efficiency of state management, provide an opportunity to save many thousands of lives, and prevent huge material losses. World experience has shown that investing means in prediction and prevention is 10-100 times less expensive overall than the costs of mitigating or liqui­dating the consequences of calamities and disasters after they have occurred.

A special interdepartmental scientific program would considerably differ from federal target programs and scientific programs of the RAS Presidium or departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It would also differ from the State Scientific and Techni­cal Program "Security," which had been carried out since 1985 (after the Chemobyl disaster), as well as from the Federal Target Risk Reduction Program that is currently underway. Let us stress its fundamental dif­ferences.

Since the program considers threats, dangers, and risks that may significantly or cardinally change the path of Russia's development, it should be based on the concept of strategic risks [3, 4]. It envisages the formu­lation of several objectives concerning the feasibility of strategic decisions made at the state level, as well as the assessment of possible damages incurred by the failure to carry out these decisions or the consequences that they may lead to. The Russian Academy of Sciences has experience in dealing with problems of this scale. Systems analysis and computer modeling of large-scale state military and space programs made it possible in their own day to solve problems of paramount impor­tance. And the "price of issues" that this program addresses is immensely high. This dictates the involve­ment of many leading specialists in its development, high levels of responsibility, and the need for close

interaction between program developers and decision makers,

The assessment of strategic risks, which is the main target of the program, is integral to strategic forecast,  ñ long-term reference points, the evaluation of the corri­dor of the country's potentialities, and the key tasks fac­ing modem Russian society. As is known, the amount   1 of acceptable and unacceptable risks and damages, as   I well as the volume of resources that can be assigned to parry the dangers, to prevent threats, or to liquidate the   ( consequences of previous disasters, fundamentally   ' depend on the scenario of the country's development   :

and on its chosen long-term course. In contrast to the   ' United States, Japan, and other developed countries, Russia presently lacks large research programs dealing with these problems, which was demonstrated by the preparation for the national report at the summit on sus-tainable development (Johannesburg, 2002). The national concept of sustainable development is itself inseparable from the strategic forecast and the assess­ment of a number of strategic risks [2, 6]. The research programs of the majority of departments engage the problems associated with the implementation of chosen policies, while the RAS scientists should naturally ana­lyze strategic problems.

There are many dangers and threats that cannot be assessed within a single spatiotemporal interval, according to a single scientific discipline, or by a single ministry or scientific approach. To improve the man­agement of the state, complex system analysis of present and potential threats to Russia is necessary. A list of priorities according to the different dangers and a comparison of the scope of different threats should be included in the program's results. This is why depart­mental and narrowly discipline-specific analysis is unacceptable in the implementation of the research pro­gram under review: an interdisciplinary approach is necessary. This predetermines a much closer interac­tion between participants in the program and makes it necessary to carry out regular updates of analytical methods and forecasts, as well as adjustments of fore­casting systems.

The work of scholars should result not in a pile of reports and scientific papers but in an effective system of scientific monitoring, which, first and foremost, makes it possible to assess the most important crisis phenomena in the country's development and the dynamics of many dangerous processes in different spheres. This determines the principal significance of system integration and the wide usage that must be made of new information technologies, as well as gen­eral databases, knowledge, and information flows, which has become possible owing to the RAS telecom­munications infrastructure. More than 20 years ago, Academician Yu.A. Izrael' proposed to organize such a system with regard to a narrower range of dangers, but at that time the situation was not so acute, there were no necessary infrastructural preconditions, and they failed to overcome the organizational obstacles. At present, the creation of the scientific monitoring system is vitally important, and this is why the scientific and organizational potential of the Russian Academy of Sciences should be utilized to the full.

Under the present conditions of crisis and transition. it is desirable to carry out forecasting as soon as possi­ble. It is only natural that the program should be open. The possibility of flexible changes in structure and pri­orities and the opportunity to involve new functionaries should be built into the program. The traditional one-year cycle of developing research programs is too long to adequately respond to many newly arising problems, although some tasks do require extended system work that is not to be restricted to either one year or five.

According to practices adopted by many interna­tional organizations and a number of countries, as well as to the instructions by the Russian president, it is desirable to reflect how the results of decisions made, as well as threats and dangers, affect the life of an individ­ual, separate social groups, nationalities, and regions. For this reason, the human dimension of the problem under review—its humanitarian component—acquires fundamental importance. The main focus of this com­ponent should not be on certain social, production, or other technologies (such as armed struggle and terror­ism), but rather on the deep system factors that prede­termine the use of such technologies, i.e., on the inter­action between the following: civilization, the irregu­larity of the socioeconomic dynamics of different areas, and the crises of the world, of Russia, and of other civ­ilizations.

One of the elements influencing the success of any program is the use of the obtained scientific results in managing the country and close cooperation between scholars and decision makers, as well as interested min­istries and departments. The objects of analysis should be the mechanisms by which results are used to ensure the sustainability of Russia's development and strengthen the safety of the Russian population, the technosphere, and the biosphere. Moreover, there should be a special focus on specific measures that make it possible to parry arising dangers and threats at different levels.

If the program is implemented successfully, a wide range of state bodies will be able to use its results. One may expect that the assessment of risks will become an essential element of management and expert organiza­tions for the government and the largest Russian enter­prises will appear. In particular, similar work that began in the United States more than 70 years ago has led to the creation of the RAND Corporation, whose forecasts and developments a number of the US statespersons have connected with the key achievements of American strategy in recent decades (there are more than 5000 high-proficiency experts among RAND Corporation personnel). In addition to the RAND Corporation, the Institute for Complexity in Santa Fe and the Center for

Nonlinear Studies in Los Alamos were organized, the activities of which help analyze the changes that are taking place in the world, estimate their possible results, and find methods of influencing various pro­cesses in the desired way.

At the first stage, the objectives of our specialized research program are more modest: to evaluate impor­tant threats, risks, and crises, to find ways of parrying them, and to develop a body whose constituents will be able to carry out permanent monitoring and forecasting based on modem scientific achievements and who are included in the managing profile of the country.

The assessment of risks and threats, the prospects for development, choice of priorities, and search for new possibilities, all of which is envisaged by the pro­gram under review, are among the most effective tools to involve the existing potential of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the nearest future. In this respect, the statement of Academician Zh.I. Alferov to the effect that the lack of financial support for science is a neces­sary but not sufficient condition to kill it seems quite relevant. The sufficient condition is the nonuse of the results of science. For this reason, the task of forecast­ing and analyzing risks could now become a supertask for the Russian Academy of Sciences. The work con­ducted towards the performance of this task will pro­mote the revival of both the scientific medium and the system of higher education, which is designed for pre­paring research brainpower. In other words, we are dealing with a systemic problem. The scenario is com­parable to that of a state order for production, which can stimulate a considerable part of the economy provided it is properly organized.


Traditionally, a number of scientific disciplines, each of which has its own approach to and interpreta­tion of the problem, studies disasters, catastrophes, and crises of different origins, in addition to their causes and consequences. Such "feudal division" has a baneful influence on the general situation. It is clear that devel­oping and making general decisions are possible only on the basis of common scientific views about risks and uniform methods of describing information. Synerget­ics, which has proven to be an effective interdiscipli­nary approach [2, 5, 7], provides such an opportunity. It is based on the idea of the existence of universal regu­larities in the behavior of complex systems. Let us con­sider the universal properties of catastrophism.

The language describing disasters and catastro­phes. The statistical image of catastrophic behavior is the exponential laws of distribution. Their probability density is of the following type:


Fig. l.The typical form of the probability density of values distributed according to the degree (/). exponential (2). and normal {3) laws. (a) The speed of decrease of the probability density for the distribution tails: ib) the density of the degree, exponential, and normal distributions in the log-log scale: and the linear form (,./) testifies to the scale invariance of the systems described by degree distributions.

where  ~ 1. Such distributions are also called distribu­tions with heavy tails. The distribution tail accounts for the probability of gigantic—extraordinary—events. It is possible not to take them into account if the probabil­ity density decreases quickly enough, as is the case with exponential and normal distribution (Fig. 1). However, in systems described by degree distributions, cata­strophic events are not rare enough to ignore their pos­sibility. In other words, in the case of degree statistics, the idea of a hypothetical, that is, only theoretically possible, accident is inadmissible. Any accident, even the largest one, which is not taken into account by designers, is in fact admissible.

It is noteworthy that in the case of nonstationary processes, which are considered, in particular, by the

The dependence of the damage on the number of the event in the catalogue [10] in chronological order is presented starting from 1975: the angular coefficients of degree approximations (thin straight lines) are 1.10 for the maxi­mum damage and 1.47 for the accumulated one.


theory of examining operations while analyzing war conflicts, the probabilistic images of catastrophes can be different [8]. In these problems, the principal ele­ment is decision making, which is analyzed as a rule within the framework of the theory of artificial intelli­gence [9].

In practice, when analyzing catastrophic events, it is more convenient to consider not the probability den­sity ii(x) but the dependence between the size (value) of the event x and its rank r— the number of the event on the list normalized according to the diminution x. For degree distributions, the "rank-size" dependence also has a degree form of

Rank-size degree dependences are characteristic of anthropogenic and natural disasters, AIDS statistics, and the expansion of computer viruses.

The danger of a phenomenon subordinate to a degree distribution is determined by its index: the less is a, the more dangerous it is. One can draw a condi­tional differentiation between "accidents" character­ized by the  > 1 value and "catastrophes" for which  < 1. Even the impact of the largest "accidents" on the total damage resulting from them is negligible because it is formed by a great number of moderate events. However, in the case of "catastrophes," the total dam­age from a number of events is comparable to that of the largest one among them. Thus, the law of large numbers does not work for the statistics of catastrophes ( < 1). In other words, the sample mean increases without limit as the volume of sampling becomes greater, with no definite finite bound. Respectively, the accumulated damage increases quicker with the increase of the sam­pling volume, that is, it accelerates (Fig. 2).

The maximum damage also increases without limit in the course of time, which can be erroneously inter­preted as proof of the nonstationary nature of the pro cess. It produces the illusion that the situation is con­stantly getting worse, whereas it is in fact stably bad. In addition, the criteria that could help to single out situa­tions that are constantly getting worse, as the case is now in our native country, become ambiguous. The study of phenomena for which degree laws of distribut­ing probabilities are characteristic requires special non-traditional methods of statistical analysis [I].

Mechanisms of the rise and development of cata­strophic events. Systems inclined to catastrophes are complex in the sense that they cannot be reduced to the simple sum of their components. Otherwise, events would have arisen as a sum of a great number of inde­pendent addends, which, according to the central limit theorem, is normally distributed. Another consequence of degree statistics is the scaling invariance of the sys­tems under review, which means that the processes tak­ing place in them are organized in the same way on dif­ferent scales. It thus becomes impossible to factorize their behavior into a number of independent subprocesses; an integrated description is necessary.

Integrated scale-invariant properties are observed in systems in the so-called critical state, such as phase transitions of the second order. This can arise either owing to a fine artificial tuning or during the self-orga­nization of some nonlinear systems that are far from equilibrium. The mechanism of self-organization into the critical state is universal, which determines the extraordinarily high diversity of self-organised critical phenomena in nature [II].

The basic model of the theory of self-organized crit-icality is a heap of sand. If the z; mean slope of the sand surface is not large, the sand is static (Fig. 3). If the slope is larger than the critical value , a spontaneous flow of sand J occurs along the surface (see the insert on Fig. 3). The two states correspond to non-catastrophic behavior. In the subcritical state , nothing happens, while, in the supercritical state z >, nothing unexpected takes place. Large unexpected events, such as catastrophes, are possible only in the critical point; z =, where there is no spontaneous flow yet, but in which any fluctuation can produce arbitrary large avalanching.

A sand heap can be put into a critical state either through manual tuning of the governing parameter to mean z = or as a result of self-organization upon establishing the parameter of the order to mean J = +0. To make such self-organization possible, let us consider the dynamics step by step, add grains of sand on the top of the heap one by one, and wait for the end of the relax­ation process. The sand flow obviously has the minimal possible value: on average, one grain for one step of the examination.

If the slope of the surface is small, the avalanche produced by adding a grain will most likely not reach the edge of the heap, and the slope will begin to increase. With a very large slope, the state of the heap becomes metastable, that is, it will respond with a glo-

Fig. 3. A sand comer.

The state of the sand is determined by the angle of slope of the surface z. the change in which leads to a permanent phase transition (the dependence of the order parameter on the control parameter is presented on the insert) from the static state to the slate of sand's continuous current.


Fig. 4. The cellular automation for a sand heap.

(a) The state of the system before the crumbling avalanche:

(b) the state of the system after the crumbling avalanche; the avalanche is initiated by adding one grain to an arbitrarily chosen cell of the top layer: the black shows the areas of the avalanche and cells at its border that preserved stability after having received a grain of sand.

bal event to any perturbation, which will result in the abandonment of the system by a great amount of sand, and the slope will become smaller. Thus, there is a neg­ative feedback that forces the slope to assume the meaning of z = which allows the perturbation to spread arbitrarily far. This means that, notwithstanding the local nature of the interaction between the grains of sand, the sand heap behaves like a single whole.

The self-organized critical behavior of the system under review may be described by means of a simple cellular automation [12]. Let us compare the heap to a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice, the cells of which occupy whole numbers, characterizing the local slope of the surface (Fig. 4). If a number is more than unity,

Fig. 5. A fragment of a hierarchical system. Each element of the ith level consists of three elements of (i – 1)th level: the system elements can be correct or faulty (grey color), the state of each of them being determined by the state of the constituent elements of the previous level, as well as by its own receptivity to flaws.

the cell is declared unstable and crumbles, which man­ifests itself by a decrease in the number in it by 2 and a simultaneous increase in the values of the two cells adjacent to it from below by 1 (see Fig. 4). The horizon­tal layers of the lattice conditionally correspond to the lines of the surface level, which is why the crumbling of the cell may be regarded as if two grains are sliding down the slope.

A modeling step consists of perturbation and relax­ation. The perturbation of the stable state is carried out by increasing by unity the value of an arbitrarily chosen cell of the upper layer, which corresponds to adding one grain to the top of the heap. If the grain loses stability as a result of the perturbation, it crumbles and the pro­cess of relaxation begins. The crumbling of the cell leads to an increase in the slope of subjacent cells, which, in its turn, can disturb their stability and so on, by the chain reaction principle. Thus, the loss of stabil­ity by one cell can result in a crumbling avalanche, which will go on until all the cells once again acquire stability. After that, the period of relaxation is over, and the next modeling step begins.

The bottom edge of the lattice of the cellular auto­mation is open; therefore, the crumbling of a cell from the bottom layer forces two grains to leave the system. This ensures the existence of the stationary state and the possibility of self-organization.

The characteristic of the crumbling avalanche is its size, that is, the number of cells in which crumbling has taken place. Avalanches are distributed by size expo­nentially with an index of 1/3 [12], which is confirmed by computer calculations. Scale-invariant distribution means that a system is inclined to catastrophes. Its response to an elementary action does not have a spe­cific size of its own; therefore, gigantic events are pos­sible in it in the absence of clear reasons. Although one is able to indicate the grain that has provoked this or that avalanche, the origin of catastrophes is evidently connected not with grains but with critical properties of the system, in which small causes can lead to large effects.

The organization of systems inclined to catastro­phes. Many scale-invariant systems have hierarchical


structures. For example, the lithosphere of the earth may be represented as a system of blocks divided by breaks. Each of these blocks is divided into smaller ones. the latter, into smaller ones still, and so on. Geo-physicists have singled out more than 30 hierarchical levels in the earth's crust—from tectonic plates of thou­sands of kilometers in length to grains of rock of a mil­limeter in size. Large earthquakes are usually accompa­nied by many recurrent shocks—aftershocks that in a cascade redistribute the stress down by the hierarchy of the breaks. The preparation of an earthquake occurs through a reverse cascade in which stress is transmitted, moving upward from the bottom layers of the hierarchy to the upper ones.

A natural example of a hierarchical anthropogenic system is the system of administrative or military man­agement. The success of solving problems at any given level of management is determined by the effectiveness of the subjacent levels. The electorate is also a hierar­chical system. It too is divided into several groups with their own interests. Each of them consists of smaller subgroups and so on—down to the individual voter. We are able to observe the behavior of hierarchical systems only at the upper levels of the hierarchy (earthquakes, performing orders, and voting results). However, the reasons for these events lie at the bottom levels, and it is important to realize how the levels interact.

Let us consider the hierarchical system a fragment of which is presented in Fig. 5 [13, 14]. The system is divided into levels that may be interpreted as the degrees of description detail (the lower the level, the more details are accessible). Each element of the level i' > 0 consists of three elements of the previous level i - 1. The elements of the system can be correct or faulty. Assume the state of elements at the bottom level i = 0 to be fully arbitrary and the concentration of faulty ele­ments to be p0.

The elements of subjacent levels combined in threes in an element of the next level transmit their state to it according to the degree of its receptivity to flaws k. The degree of receptivity of an element means the minimal number of faulty components sufficient to make it faulty too. Let us consider a spontaneous rise and cor­rection of flaws to be impossible. In this case, the sys­tem may consist of elements of all three types with k = 1, 2, and 3; that is, elements become faulty, respec­tively, if only one component is faulty, if at least two components are faulty, and if all the three components are faulty. Let us denote the share of elements of the k type through sk, with .

The main question concerning the system described is the following: what is its state at the upper levels (up to the last one containing only one element, which is the system itself) under the specified concentrations of flaws at the lowest level and shares of elements of dif­ferent receptivity?

A change in the concentration of faulty elements p with the ascent by one level is presented through the following mapping:

It always has two trivial fixed points p = 0 and p = 1, which correspond to flawless and fully faulty states. and a critical point

which must meet the condition 0 < pc < 1 to have phys­ical meaning.

The relative positions and stability of the fixed points depend on the -^ values. On the constitution dia­gram of a hierarchical system, the parametric space is divided into four areas (phases): in two of them, one trivial fixed point is stable and the other one is unstable, while the critical point is absent altogether; in the other two, the critical point does exist (Fig. 6). Let us con­sider in more detail some examples of the system's behavior that correspond to each area of the parametric space.

1. With s1 = 1 and s3 = s2 = 0 a single faulty part of it is sufficient for the appearance of a faulty element. Respectively, the only fixed stable point of the mapping p = 1 and any nonzero concentration of flaws at the bot­tom level lead to the faultiness of the entire system.

2. With s3 = 1 and .s2 = s1 = 0, all its parts must be faulty for a faulty element to appear. Respectively, the only fixed stable point of the mapping p = 0 and any nonzero concentration of correct elements at the bot­tom level guarantee the correctness of the entire sys­tem.

3. With s2 = 1 and s1 = s3 = 0, a faulty element appears if more than half of its parts are faulty. Both extreme values p = 0 and p = 1 are stable, and the state of the system as a whole is determined by the concen­tration of flaws at the bottom level. If p0 < pc. = 1/2, the system will be correct (as variant 2), and if p0>pc faulty (as variant 1). Only in the case of p0 = pc;. will the critical concentration of flaws be preserved from level to level.

4. If s2 = 0 and s1 =s2 = 1/2, the system is a mixture of elements of two different types in equal shares: some behave according to variant 1, strengthening the flaws, while the others, according to variant 2, suppress them. Their critical point is stable, and the probability of the whole system's faultiness does not depend on the concen­tration of flaws at the bottom level, because ; 1.

The properties of systems in areas 1 and 2 of the constitution diagram, where there is no critical point, are quite predictable and, consequently, these systems are fraught with no danger. However, when it is in the critical state, a system may be both correct and faulty with nonzero probability. In area 3, it happens only with


Fig. 6. The constitution diagram for the hierarchical system in the s1 –s/ //projection.

With s1 < 1/3( areas 2 and 3). a stable flawless state is observed: with s3 < 1/3 (areas 3 and 1). a stable fully faulty state: area 4 corresponds to the self-organized criticality;

black points mark the systems under review in the article with different receptivity of elements to flaws.

a special value p0 =pc,, while in area 4 it may occur with any .

The first case corresponds to the ordinary critical behavior, when to ensure the appearance of certain of the system's properties a special tuning is necessary, while the second case corresponds to self-organized criticality arising owing to the action of negative feed­back, which diminishes the deviation pi from pc, during the ascent from level to level.

The examined model demonstrates the basic mech­anism of the rise of scale-invariant properties and cata­strophic behavior in hierarchical systems. It is also noteworthy that, because in the critical state the con­centration of faulty elements is the same at all hierar­chical levels, their distribution by size has a degree form with the index.


For many systems inclined to catastrophic behavior, it is impossible at the present stage of scientific devel­opment to present detailed mathematical models with forecasting potentialities; therefore, one has to forecast in another way. Instead of a detailed description of the background of a catastrophe, we use general properties of nonlinear dynamic systems. Another approach is to study expert opinions and decision-making mecha­nisms.

The starting point in the prediction of catastrophes is the fact that catastrophic dynamics is not chaotic. Owing to their integrity, critical systems have a long "memory" of events that have taken place and "feel" them at long distances from the locations at which they occurred. This is reflected mathematically in the degree decrease of temporal and spatial correlations, which. for noncritical systems, usually correspond to an expo­nential distribution, meaning that a system quickly for­gets its history and displays a weak interdependence of pans.

Let us again take a sand heap as an example. The local slope of its surface determines its current state. Steep areas are more inclined to avalanche formation. while flat ones are less inclined. For a gigantic ava­lanche to appear, there must be a certain surplus of sand in the system. However, it cannot concentrate on this or that separate area without destroying its stability long before the rise of a gigantic avalanche. Consequently, a considerable part of the heap must have a large local slope. The corresponding amount of sand can be deliv­ered from the top to subjacent areas only by means of avalanches, among which there must be sufficiently large ones. Thus, a gigantic event must have portents— previous events of a smaller size. This conclusion is also correct for other self-organized critical systems, although the individual structure of portents may depend on the properties of the event itself.

Reasoning from the universal nature of catastrophic processes, one may expect that algorithms for identify­ing portents and forecasting gigantic events that have been constructed, and whose effectiveness has been confirmed, on the basis of one material (seismology), may successfully be applied to others (economy, soci­ology, and crime dynamics).

Seismology. Instability at the upper levels of hierar­chical systems arises owing to instability at lower ones. In particular, the reverse cascade in the redistribution of stresses in the earth's crust as it prepares a large earth­quake shows itself in the form of anomalous seismic activity on smaller scales of energy and size. This allows for a forecast based on observations of activation and other deviations from the trend in the behavior of a system, clustering instability acts, miscorrelations, and so on.

At the first step of developing the algorithm for the forecast of catastrophic events, one creates methods of compressing huge amounts of information, presented by monitoring, into a small set of functionals—time-dependant values that, when aggregated, characterize the state of the system. Generally speaking, the possi­bility of introducing functionals that are fit for forecast­ing the behavior of a complex system is not obvious, the specific form they should take being even less obvious. At the present stage, it is of key importance to ensure the interaction between forecast specialists and those who have some understanding of the system dynamics, at least qualitatively, and who are able to say how the interaction of hierarchical levels in it may be taken into account.

The next step is to determine the functionals that yield the most information, as well as to construct an alarm algorithm based on the knowledge of the values of these functionals. The "teaching" of the algorithm refers to the selection of parameters used for calculat­ing the functionals; the establishment of thresholds for them, which, when exceeded, may indicate that the sys­tem is entering into a dangerous state; and the formula­tion of alarm rules. This "teaching" is aimed at optimiz­ing the algorithm's capacity for retrospective forecast (the forecast of catastrophes that have already hap­pened) based on information about prior activities.

Finally, in the last step testing occurs in real condi­tions in order to determine the effectiveness of the algo­rithm. At this stage, an updating of its parameters is inadmissible.

Let us illustrate the described scheme through the example of an algorithm for the medium-term forecast of large earthquakes, which is known in the scientific literature as M8 [15-18]. Areas are considered the sizes of which are determined b\ the magnitude threshold of the forecast events (to modify the algorithm for fore­casting earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, and 8.0 on the Richter scale, circles with the diameter of 384, 560, 854, and 1333 km are used, respectively). These areas are situated on seismic belts (globally stretched areas in which earthquake sites are concentrated) and cover the zone of the development of the supposed large earthquake. From the stream of events that have occurred in this zone, the main shocks are singled out—earthquakes that are not aftershocks. Their sequence is normalized by the magnitude thresh­old, which is established in such a way that the average annual number of its main shocks constitutes a certain quantity (10 or 20: the corresponding functionals are indicated by indexes 1 and 2).

The following functionals are determined on the basis of the data on the main shocks:

• N1 and N2 are the numbers of main shocks in six years;

• LI and L2 are deviations of the N1 and N2 values from their durable trends;

• Zl and Z2 are ratios of the average site size to the average distance between sites;

 is the maximal number of aftershocks following the main shocks calculated for the period of one year.

Each of the introduced functionals is calculated in a three-year window with a step of six months. As a result, the stream of earthquakes is roughly described by the speed (N), acceleration (L), linear concentration of events (Z), and their grouping capability (B). The value of a functional is considered to be anomalously large if it exceeds the Q percent of its observed values (Q = 75% for  and 90% for the remaining functionals). When six out of seven functionals including  become anomalously large for two neighboring temporal inter­vals, one should alarm, that is, declare a period of



Fig. 7. The example of the work of the M8 and MSc algorithms for the medium-term forecast of earthquakes. (a) The forecast map. epicenters, and the first aftershocks of the earthquake on Shikotan island on October 4. 1994: the alarm area. diagnosed by the M8 algorithm, is shown by light-grey circles, and the dark-grey rectangle is the alarm area specified by the MSc algorithm: (b) the temporal and spatial diagram of the seismic activity in the southern circle where they alarmed, the ordinate axis corresponding to the projection to the axis of the seismic belt: (c) the behavior of the functionals. their anomalously large values being marked by black points and the dark-grey area corresponding to the period of the increased probability of the earthquake that started after the tree-year period (light-grey area) when the condition of alarm had been met.

increased probability (PIP), which is five years long Fig. 7).

Areas in which alarm takes place according to the ^18 algorithm exceed by one or two orders in size the site of the expected earthquake, which is inadmissible n practice. For this reason, the corresponding zone for he periods of increased probability is additionally checked by means of the "Mendocino scenario" (MSc) algorithm [18, 19], which specifies the place of the future large earthquake and decreases the zone of alarm ) to 20 times over (see Fig. 7). This algorithm is based on the search for associated areas (clusters) of relative seismic calm, which testify to an accumulation of .tress, in the temporal and spatial zone of alarm.

In order to construct algorithms for medium-term earthquake forecast, different statistical tests and proce-dures were used, allowing for the estimation of forecast authenticity, quality, and stability. Since 1985, algorithms M8 and MSc have been checked by a "forward" "forecast, and since 1992 official testing has been carried out. The results of the "forward" monitoring of large events are presented in the table [18].

These and other algorithms for earthquake forecast­ing, methods of determining risks and damages, and forecast decision-making strategies have been devel­oped in recent decades. One of the main reasons behind the active development of ideas and principles in con­nection with forecasting catastrophes was the well organized long-term local and world services for col­lecting routine data, which make the whole world a testing area for investigations. The long-term series of observations obtained substantially reduce the neces­sity of using statistical-analysis and hypothesis-check­ing methods.

Economy. In order to forecast recessions, US scien­tists employ an approach that is in many respects simi­lar to the one described above [20]. In a recent case, they examined the period from 1959 through 1997, which contained six recessions (large abatements) in the US economy. Eight monthly temporal series were analyzed: the income of the population without social transfers; the number of jobs in private companies; the number of requests for unemployment benefits; the costs of reserves at storehouses in production and com­merce; the rate of the treasury bill for three months; and

the difference between the government bond rate over ten years and the interest rate of the US Federal Reserve. Six functionals were derived from these series, which made it possible to predict the 2001 reces­sion (Fig. 8).

Since 1995, the Russian stock index AK&M and the American Dow Jones Industrial index have been cho­sen for forecasting socioeconomic crises in Russia [4]. The series of the original indexes are nonstationary, but there may be stable long-term associations between them, the violation of which testifies to an imbalance in the economy. It was discovered that, to forecast Russian crisis events, it is important to account for their miscor-

Fig. 8. The forecast of recessions in the United States from 1959 through 2003.

The black rectangles are periods of recessions, the grey ones are periods of forecast alarms, the total length of the alarm being 38 months, that is. 9.3% of the period under examination; the last alarm by this algorithm was in May 2001. while the recession was declared in the United States onlv in November 2001, its beginning being assigned to April 2001.


relation: when the American index goes up on average, the Russian one goes down. A functional was con­structed on this basis, presenting the cumulative sum of relative AK&M increments during the periods when it drops; and the values of the indices under review, lev­eled in the 70-day sliding window, are negatively corre­lated.

Since 1995, when Russian stock indices first appeared, the following crises have taken place on the financial market: the bank liquidity crisis (August 25, 1995); the socioeconomic crisis of confidence in the government (June 3 through July 16, 1996); the stock market collapse (October 24, 1997); and the crisis of August 17, 1998, which was simultaneously a foreign exchange crisis, a bank crisis, an investment crisis, and a crisis of foreign debt. The proposed functional retro­spectively predicts the crises of 1995, 1996, and 1998 (Fig. 9). The omission of the 1997 crisis is due to the fact that it was caused by an event external to the Rus­sian economy—the collapse of the Asian stock mar­kets.

The developed methodology of forecasting allows for an interesting observation: two out of the three pre­dicted crises take place after the forecasting functional has returned to the zero value. This probably reflects the specificity of Russian financial markets. Lacking a direct connection with the national economy, they are fictitious to a certain extent and aim not at real activities but at its simulation. Therefore, having signaled a struc­tural crisis, they quickly plot to the changed situation. No doubt, this circumstance should be taken into account when developing forecasting methods in the economy.

Social systems. Forecasting in socioeconomic spheres, as in seismology, is based on functionals that are sensitive to the precritical states of the system fol­lowed by a catastrophic event. Materials of pilot studies show that it is possible to develop a new approach in socioeconomics—"the sociology of fast response." This may be important in order to improve the stability of the activity of large cities and of the country as a whole, as well as to prevent social instabilities.

Let us consider the problem of forecasting the dynamics of criminality as an example. This example is based on the records of accidents in Yaroslavl oblast from February 3, 1993, through June 25, 2001. The events were divided into five groups: (1) car thefts, road traffic accidents, sudden deaths, and so on; (2) hooli­ganism, theft, and so on; (3) bodily damage, blackmail­ing, fraud, and so on; (4) discovery of bodies, suicide, and robbery; (5) murder, gross bodily injury, rape, rob­bery-related assault, and disappearances. The object of the forecast was a jump in felonies (group 5), which is determined as the above-threshold excess of their num­ber over one week compared to the average for five weeks (including the current week and the previous four).

In the forecast, we used an analogy with the devel­opment of large earthquakes through a reverse cascade, that is, the migration of activity from the bottom levels to the upper ones. The dynamics of such processes is reflected in the change of the slope angle in the log-log plot of the distribution of events by size. In order to construct this plot, the number of the group was used as a magnitude—the logarithmic measure of gravity. This implies that different categories of crime correspond to different levels on an "asocial hierarchy." The rem­nants—the difference between the current plot's slope angle and its average time value (Fig. 10)—were taken as the forecast functional.

With the thresholds specified, 30 out of 34 objects are forecast (88.2%). The sum of all alarms is 118 weeks out of 392 weeks of monitoring (30.1%). These 118 weeks include one false alarm, the average alarm time being about a month. Thus, the described forecast methods may be applied even in the sphere where not only models describing the dynamics of events but even rough ideas about the interaction of dif­ferent processes are absent.

Let us summarize. Past failures in the attempt to organize many programs for the forecasting and moni­toring of dangerous phenomena and processes have provided negative examples of how to create a program. Such programs cannot proceed with the object of gen­erating research papers, maps, or economic effects. These are only tools for obtaining the main result, that is, a system that ensures the forecasting and monitoring of dangerous and crisis phenomena. This system requires an interdisciplinary approach and cooperation amongst investigators, administrators, and risk manag­ers. It is of fundamental importance that the monitoring system becomes a By order of the Russian Security Council and the Russian State Council Presidium, the Russian Acad­emy of Sciences has prepared the Interdepartmental complex program "Basic, Exploratory, and Applied Research Ensuring the Protection of Hazardous Facili­ties and Population." This program has been sent for coordination to a number of interested departments. Based on the unprecedented problems that the program poses, it is hoped that it will become the "program of a new type" discussed in the present article.part of the management of the coun­try.

Fig. 10. The forecast of the jumps in grave offences in Yaro­slavl for 1993-  2001.

The week dynamics of grave offences; (b) the difference between the current angle of the slope of the criminality graph and its average value by time: the horizontal line cor­responds to the alarm threshold, the vertical lines, to the jumps in the number of grave offences, and the black rectangles on the abscissa axis. to the alarm moments.

By order of the Russian Security Council and the Russia State Council Presidium, the Russian Academy of Sciences has prepared the Interdepartmental complex program "Basic, Exploratory, and Applied Research Ensuring the Protection of Hazardous Facilities and Population". This program has been sent for coordination to a number of interested departments. Based on the unprecedented problems that the program poses, it is hoped that it will become the "program of a new type" discussed in the present article.

It is of fundamental importance that the develop­ment of nonlinear dynamics and synergetics has pro­vided the scientific base and principally new possibili­ties for analyzing and forecasting disasters and catas­trophes. We have discussed the general approach and have provided a series of examples in the most compli­cated cases in which there are no models to make a forecast; there are no commonly approved macroindicators that could help forecast dangerous phenomena;

and there are no (except for earthquakes) established structures to monitor and organize the corresponding informational streams. Nevertheless, owing to the uni­versal nature of the properties of many locations where catastrophes occur and the developed methods of mon­itoring and forecasting, a forecast is possible. More­over, considerable work has been carried out in order to systemize and describe many risks and threats [21], which makes it possible to advance to a higher level of analysis and forecast.

In our opinion, there exists at present a serious research base for the fulfillment of the order of the Rus­sian president concerning the forecast and prevention of catastrophes and instabilities in the natural, anthropogenic, and social spheres. The work that lies ahead will obviously make it possible to utilize most fully and develop the potential of the Russian Academy of Sci­ences under the present historic conditions.


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